Thursday, June 14, 2007

Memories and heirlooms.

This baby plate/bowl was my father's when he was but a puppy back in 1943! It is Wiggles' now, but I haven't dared using it for fear of it loosing any more of it's paint, or, even worse, breaking!


Schae said...

ahh memories. what a sweet heirloom

Shel said...

WHat a lovely heirloom for Wiggles!

Siouxsie said...

I also have a set similiar to that. Carefully packed away in storage, can't bear the thought of it breaking either.

Tanja said...

I love those - I got a mug from the same range as a sister kindly broke it for me though *sob*

Glou said...

What a special keepsake! I'd also treasure it rather than use it.

Anonymous said...

How lovely!! I also keep my old bunnykins safe - and don't allow "monster" to use his new ones [probably only thing he ISN'T allowed to touch hehehehe].

Tacha said...

Wow, now that is really a very nice heirloom! I would rather get some tissue paper and a box where it can fit in and put it away.

Annettedigiscraps said...

Very special keepsake!

sally said...

we have some from Gavin's mom, I do use them though ( blush) at least the kids will enjoy them and even if they break we get fun out of them now.

Maretha said...


Natasha said...

A fabulous keepsake!

Anonymous said...

Aw, I love Bunnikins. My sister had a set, we used it daily until the picture was almost off, and weirdly it never got broken ....